Custom porcelain installation by artist Christina Watka on a dark blue wall facing floor-to-ceiling windows that overlook onto a busy New York street.

Situated on a busy corner in Fort Greene, Brooklyn, DKLB BKLN enlisted Uprise Art to bring elements of the 36-story building's metal facade to human scale. Artist Christina Watka pulled inspiration from the industrial palette and designed her latest site-specific "Murmuration Series" installation in a pattern that echoes the ebb and flow of the area.

Floor-to-ceiling windows at DKLB BKLN reflecting a busy street with people walking and traffic lights.
Close-up of individual white porcelain pieces, as part of a custom wall installation by artist Christina Watka.
Small porcelain pieces arranged in an organic, free-flowing pattern, as part of a custom installation by artist Christina Watka installed on a dark blue wall.

This specific installation mimics the patterns of people walking through the city streets. The installation travels along a 17-foot wall like a constellation or a herd of animals.

Christina Watka

Custom wall installation created from hand-sculpted porcelain pieces by artist Christina Watka.
Window at DKLB BKLN reflecting a busy New York street with various cars and a pedestrian walking.
Sideways angle of artist Christina Watka's custom wall installation made from an assortment of white, hand-sculpted porcelain pieces.

Some pieces stand alone, some follow a flock, you can also spot pairs coupled off away from the crowd. The tiny porcelain shapes reflect the activity on the street - people coming home from work or families congregating on the edge of a street waiting for the light to turn.

Christina Watka

Close-up of text on a dark blue wall that describes the custom wall installation by artist Christina Watka.
Modern lounge area at DKLB BKLN with three circular lighting fixtures, gray floors, and exposed glass shelves with an assortment of white vessels.
The exterior of the DKLB BKLN building, as seen from the looking up.