Source material of different magazine images and colors taped to a white wall in artist Xochi Solis' Austin, Texas studio.

Xochi Solis welcomes us into her studio in Austin, Texas for a behind-the-scenes look at her collage process.

Source material of cut-out magazine pages and found paper layered on a surface in artist Xochi Solis' studio.
Artist Xochi Solis wearing a bright green dress, holding circular pieces of colored paper in her studio.
A box of colored pencils and stacks of magazines in artist Xochi Solis' studio.

Xochi's collages are abstractions of her lived experience, serving as markers of culture, place, and personal history.

In my work, there is a gentle collision between time, space, and cultural experiences. They all glide and bump into each other in an explosion of color, captured within the frame of a single portal. Here I freely incorporate all my curiosities and points of reference, developing a certain kind of sensibility without the fear of being absurd.

Xochi Solis

Artist Xochi Solis' studio with orange-knobbed cabinets and rows of books.
Artist Xochi Solis holding pieces of cut-up colored paper for her collages.
Pink and orange mixed-media collage with flowers by artist Xochi Solis on a piece of cardboard in her studio.

Xochi considers the repeated act of layering a meditation on color, texture, and shape, all leading to a greater awareness of the visual intricacies found in her immediate environment, both natural and cultural.

As an artist who employs collage and found images to communicate my present moment, I rely on the illusions created by photographic surfaces to tell a nuanced narrative about time, place, and sensation.

Xochi Solis

An in-progress yellow work by artist Xochi Solis next to a pile of source material in her studio.
Artist Xochi Solis painting a blank piece of paper on a teal-colored surface in her studio.
Two in-progress works by artist Xochi Solis with swaths of colors, one yellow and one red, taped to a wooden surface in her studio.