Close-up of a multicolored collage artwork on paper by artist Xochi Solis.

We designed an Artist Residency for one of our favorite corporate clients. Over the course of a week, mixed-media artist Xochi Solis created six unique works inspired by the global cities where the firm has offices, including: Hong Kong, Boston, Kansas City, Hyderabad, London, and New York. She set up her studio in one of the common spaces at the firm, where employees could stop in and converse with her and see the works come together over time.

Different mixed-media collages on paper by artist Xochi Solis laying on small colorful cubes in an modern office building.
An assortment of collage materials, including a picture of a white bobcait, laid out on a white table.
Artist Xochi Solis in an office building standing in front of three desks covered with scraps of paper and collage material.

Each work is a construction of sorts, sometimes beginning with paint, sometimes with cut paper, but with each work there is always paint involved. I still think of my works primarily as paintings, but there is an inherent sculptural quality to them as materials continually build upon one another. 

Xochi Solis

Artist Xochi Solis layering down different purple circles to construct her collage artwork.
Close-up of a pink collage by artist Xochi Solis with a photograph of cacti and succulents.
Artist Xochi Solis standing in front of a desk with different collaged materials.