Exhibition: Art Market: Thumbnail
Millee Tibbs

Uprise Art presented works from three artists motivated by artifice and landscape: Clay Mahn, Millee Tibbs, and Matthew Shelley. Mahn's digitally informed paintings offer robust, concrete realizations of abstractions from signage and typography. Tibb's photographs of the American west include her folded interventions, questioning the history and totality of the sites depicted. Shelley's work, also folded, uses landscape as a departure point to interrogate a history of images.



  • Millee TibbsDetroit, MI

    Millee Tibbs’ (b. 1976) work derives from her interest in photography’s ubiquity in contemporary culture and the tension between its truth-value and inherent manipulation of reality. Her photographs often address the fabrication of an ideal of the American landscape. By disrupting the photographic image through physical interventions (folding, cutting, and sewing), her work responds to the miniaturization and domestication of land through photography. Tibbs resides in Detroit, MI and holds an MFA in photography from RISD. She has exhibited throughout the U.S. and abroad, participated in a fellowship at The MacDowell Colony and has held artist residencies at the Wassaic Project and the Santa Fe Art Institute.

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  • Clay MahnMissoula, MT

    Clay Mahn’s (b.1988) painting process is characterized by his use of subtraction rather than addition. By layering paint and subsequently sanding portions of each layer off, his work unearths and reveals forms which seem to already exist. Playfully engaging with elements of language, repetition, and motifs, Mahn’s paintings are deliberately composed while remaining organic. Mahn has exhibited internationally and holds an MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. He lives and works in Missoula, Montana.

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Fort Mason Center at 2 Marina Blvd. (Booth 108), San Francisco, CA

San Francisco, CA


Apr 27, 2016-May 1, 2016