
Riviera Karina Bania

Sold Out

Karina's paintings incorporate elements of abstraction with still life, evoking a snapshot of a moment in time with evidence of movement and memory. Prints of this original work are also available as part of a collaboration between Uprise Art and Design Within Reach.
Materials Acrylic, oil, and charcoal on canvas



Artwork Dimensions

Final Dimensions (framed, where applicable)

Frame Style

Framing Information
This artwork is custom-framed. The framed dimensions are approximations and may vary by up to 2” on the width or height.

If you have specific framing requests, include a note in the special requests field during checkout and we’ll do our best to accommodate.

We offer free domestic shipping for artworks under $800.

Artworks are packed individually and ship via FedEx (domestic) or DHL (international). Shipping rates are calculated based on the shipping address and artwork dimensions, weight, and value.

Oversized artworks (larger than 57 x 42 x 3 in.) are shipped white-glove. To receive a quote, checkout with the artwork and a member of our team will email a custom shipping quote, or email advisors@upriseart.com for a quote.

This artwork is expected to ship within 3-4 weeks. After your order is placed, our team will be in touch to confirm the timeline.

If you have a specific deadline, please include a note in the special requests field during checkout and we’ll do our best to accommodate.
This artwork is expected to ship within 3-4 weeks. After your order is placed, our team will be in touch to confirm the timeline.

If you have a specific deadline, please include a note in the special requests field during checkout and we’ll do our best to accommodate.
- This artwork is currently ready-to-hang, and can be picked-up at Uprise Art within 1-2 business days, or shipped within 1 week of your order. This artwork is expected to ship within 1-3 weeks. After your order is placed, our team will be in touch to confirm the timeline.

If you have a specific deadline, please include a note in the special requests field during checkout and we’ll do our best to accommodate.

We ship internationally via DHL and shipping costs are calculated during checkout. Oversized works (larger than 57 x 42 x 3 in.), are shipped white-glove. Checkout with the artwork and a member of our team will email a custom shipping quote.

You can also email advisors@upriseart.com or call +1 315-888-1727 to request a quote in advance of placing your order.

All sales are final.

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In my work, shapes, gestural marks and movements of color reference the structure and spontaneity of the natural world.

Karina Bania

About the Artist

Karina Bania is a mixed-media painter whose works relate to the landscape and geography of interior and exterior spaces.

News and Notables
  • Solo exhibition at Maybaum Gallery, 2023
  • Exhibited at Art Market San Francisco, 2023
  • Solo exhibition at Glass Rice, 2022